Invest directly and climate-friendly in solar funds.
Take control of your climate-friendly investment, and invest in more solar energy for less CO2 – one of the most pressing social challenges of our time. For energy production that can do more than supply electricity. Start your investment in a sustainable energy future and register in our digital investment portal. Invest in solar funds online – simple, flexible and responsible.
End of basic termin
Approx. 5% p.a. IRR
targeted return*
5,000 € minimum investment
**The shareholders may resolve an extension with the majority of votes provided for in the fund’s articles of association. Similarly, the fund management may, with the consent of the shareholders, decide to shorten the term if there is sufficient reason as specified in the fund’s articles of association.
*Based on the limited partnership capital including all costs and fees, but excluding premium. Note: Forecasts are not an indicator of future performance.
Calculated using the internal rate of return (IRR) method: The internal rate of return method is a financial mathematical method for calculating the return (effective interest rate) of an investment.
investment. The discount factor used to calculate the discounted future payments corresponding to today’s price or the initial investment is called the internal rate of return. If this interest rate is greater than the discount rate, the investment is profitable over the entire term.
Your benefits
Investments and solar parks from a single company group
Investment information
direct from your
solar specialist
Invest online
around the clock
and from anywhere
Simply explained: our funds
Radiant insights into our funds: In our video series, our experts take you on a journey detailing how you can not only reap financial benefits by investing in solar parks, but also actively contribute to promoting solar energy and creating a more sustainable future.
Who is hep?
CEO and owner Christian Hammann explains …
Technology exlained
Patrick Murphy portrays…
Green Energy
Dr. Julian Hochscherf explains …
Leonie Pandura explains how …
Selina Amaya gives you an insight …
Thorsten Eitle explains, …
hep direct – invest online in solar funds
Invest online in the energy transition – simply, conveniently and sustainably: with our digital investment portal. At your solar and investment experts, based in Baden-Württemberg. Invest with experts for renewable energies – without needing to be an expert yourself.
We combine high-tech know-how with extensive expertise in the financial sector. That makes us unique. With our sustainable solar fund, we offer investors the opportunity to participate directly in the expansion of renewable energies. Today for a better tomorrow.
Successful in the solar market since 2008
Expert focus on photovoltaic
Over 6,000 investors
It’s that easy with hep direct
Invest online, directly, round the clock, and from anywhere.
Set up a customer account conveniently in our investor portal and select a solar fund.
Your investment in overview
All the key information about our financial product and an online-investment with hep, at a glance.
Invest like Sebi with hep direct
hep direct for beginners –
a step-by-step guide
Start your sustainable investment
Invest in solar fonds online with hep. Your contribution to the energy transition, with no detours.
Want to know more? Read our FAQs!
More information about your solar investment
Our climate protection fund
With the “HEP – Solar Green Energy Impact Fund 1” we are pursuing a holistic approach that is unique on the market. From the project development on the green field to the financing, construction and operation of the solar park, everything is in our hands. So that “sustainable” is in there where it says “sustainable”, our climate protection fund is classified according to Article 9 of the Disclosure Ordinance.
End of basic termin
Approx. 5% p.a. IRR
targeted return*
Solar asset class
Note: The subscription route is operated by HEP Vertrieb GmbH, Römerstraße 3, 74363 Güglingen; registered in the commercial register under HRB [744 841], Managing Director: Thorsten Eitle HEP Vertrieb GmbH has a license in accordance with Section 34f (1) sentence 1 of the German Industrial Code. The license covers the financial investment brokerage of: Units or shares in domestic open-ended investment funds, open-ended EU investment funds or foreign open-ended investment funds that may be distributed in accordance with the German Investment Code (Section 34f (1) No. 1 GewO), and units or shares in domestic closed-ended investment funds, closed-ended EU investment funds or foreign closed-ended investment funds that may be distributed in accordance with the German Investment Code (Section 34f (1) No. 2 GewO). Further information can be found at under the registration number D-F-136-I1E2-22.
*Based on the limited partnership capital including all costs and fees, but excluding premium. Note: Forecasts are not an indicator of future performance.
Calculated using the internal rate of return (IRR) method: The internal rate of return method is a financial mathematical method for calculating the return (effective interest rate) of an investment. The discount factor used to calculate the discounted future payments corresponding to today’s price or the initial investment is called the internal rate of return. If this interest rate is greater than the discount rate, the investment is profitable over the entire term.
****The shareholders may resolve an extension with the majority of votes provided for in the fund’s articles of association. Similarly, the fund management may, with the consent of the shareholders, decide to shorten the term if there is sufficient reason as specified in the fund’s articles of association.
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Datenschutz nehmen wir bei hep sehr ernst. Alle Daten werden auf geschützten Servern gespeichert. Näheres zu diesem Punkt entnehmen Sie bitte unserer ausführlichen Datenschutzerklärung
Durch sogenannte Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). PPAs bestehen, kurz gesagt, aus einem festen Vertrag zwischen dem Energieversorger und seinem Kunden. Durch die Umgehung der Netzeinspeisung profitieren Energieversorger und Verbraucher von Steuererleichterungen, die das Geschäft für beide Parteien vorteilhaft machen: Der Erzeuger kann Energie zu einem höheren Preis als dem Marktpreis verkaufen; gleichzeitig kann der Verbraucher zu einem festen und in der Regel niedrigeren Preis als dem Marktpreis kaufen, was ihm Planungssicherheit für seine Energiekosten für den im Vertrag festgelegten Zeitraum gibt.
Solarzellen sind während ihrer Nutzungsdauer emissionslos und setzen keine Schadstoffe frei. Ihre Herstellung benötigt im Vergleich zu konventionellen Techniken der Stromerzeugung wenig Energie. Für eine Kilowattstunde Solarenergie aus Photovoltaik-Modulen braucht es rund 20 Gramm CO2. Im Vergleich: Energie aus Braunkohle emittiert 1.000 Gramm CO2.
Als Experte für Solarenergie investieren von hep aufgelegte Fonds ausschließlich in Photovoltaikanlagen.
Alternative Investments im Allgemeinen sind Geldanlagen, die nicht auf die klassischen Finanzprodukte wie Aktien, Anleihen, börsennotierte Investmentfonds oder andere an der Börse gehandelte Papiere setzen.
Your direct line
to hep direct!
Invest now in a sustainable future
Invest your assets in solar energy directly, around the clock, and from anywhere. With your solar and investment experts from Baden-Württemberg in Germany.