The energy of the sun is something close to our hearts.

Our contribution for people and nature

With our solar projects, we are committed to sustainable sourcing of energy. Because it is important to us not to do business at the expense of our planet or its citizens. For a company making this claim, it goes without saying that we are also committed to society, to education, and to protection of the environment and of biodiversity. That’s why we support various projects internationally that benefit people and nature.
hep Mitarbeiter nach dem erfolgreichen Bau des Solarparks in Burkina Faso
Berg Gorilla namens George läuft in einem Dschungel

Our mountain gorilla

If you live in the jungle, you have to be a team player. Individual strength is excellent for survival, but not enough to ensure preservation of the species. What counts are togetherness, empathy and consideration – for others and for nature. Precisely the values that are important for us. That’s why we have chosen “George”, the mountain gorilla, as our brand ambassador.

WWF Gold sponsorship

In the Congo, in Rwanda and in Uganda, there are now only around 700 of these mighty primates left. Through our WWF Gold sponsorship, we are supporting George the mountain gorilla and his family.

Bau einer Solaranlage in Burkina Faso

Our projects in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is one of the world’s poorest countries. Despite this, notable
ethnic and religious tolerance are characteristic of this West African country. We want to help its citizens to improve their living conditions for the long term, including through financial support and building solar facilities for educational establishments, and through cooperation with the aid organization Faandima.

Eine Schule in Burkina Faso die von Solarstrom betrieben wird

Solar electricity for campus and school

We have donated a solar facility to the Burkina Institute of Technology (BIT) and to the Lycée Schorge secondary school, including storage, and undertook installation on site ourselves.

Helping where help is needed

“Faandima” means development, and is an aid organization supporting needy women and children to live an independent life.
Frauen in Burkina Faso verkaufen Mangos

News about


4. May 2022

hep expands its support


20. December 2021

hep’s Sustainable Commitment in Burkina Faso


21. May 2021

The country of upright people 

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