Using photovoltaics to capture the power of the sun
Everything from a single source
because: there is no planet b.
Our services
We operate your solar park
A solar park in your space
Looking for energy-charged partners!
The arguments for solar energy
In around 30 minutes, the sun radiates as much energy onto the earth as we consume worldwide in one year.
Safe and clean energy supply
50% of the world’s energy needs are set to be covered from solar and wind energy by 2050.
Growing demand
The global demand for energy is growing with the needs of the world’s population. Solar energy is vital for safe and environmentally-friendly energy supply. Today and in the future. In the last forty years, global electricity consumption – and with it the production of electrical power from various energy sources – has increased threefold. At the same time, the world’s population is faced with the challenge of reducing the effects of climate change through massive savings in CO2 emissions. For safe and clean energy supply, renewable energies are needed now and in the future.
Falling costs
Solar energy is already the most important energy source today. In the past ten years, production costs have fallen by 90 percent, meaning that photovoltaics today represent the most cost-favorable technology for producing renewable electrical energy. In 2017, the increase in global capacity for solar energy already exceeded the 100 GW mark. In 2021, around 180 GW were added. For a sustainable future, solar energy is therefore vital. As the most economically viable technology, it offers an investment with attractive returns for investors, and a low-emission, resource-saving source of energy for the environment.*