For (semi-)professional investors

Infrastructure investments in photovoltaics

Global impact investing in renewable energies

Those who take responsibility for investments also take responsibility for people and the environment.

A portfolio with photovoltaics is convincing across the board. Our solar funds allow you to invest in the energy revolution and the growth market of photovoltaics. With a partner that has been around since 2008. We develop, build and operate solar parks all over the world and manage our investments in an economically responsible manner. Your chance for the best prospects. Today and in the future.

Solar parks and PV investments from a single source

As an owner-managed group of companies under the parent company hep global GmbH, based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, hep solar is one of the leading providers of investments funds in the photovoltaic sector. For over than 15 years, we have been developing, constructing and operating solar parks in locations with potentially stable economic and political conditions and financing them via alternative investments funds, among other means.

The combination of high-tech expertise with a high level of competence in the financial sector makes us unique and allows us to take a holistic view of the value chain of our investments.

Our special AIFs invest in some of the strongest solar markets in the world, including North America, Japan and Germany. In these countries, hep is represented with its own teams and branches and realizes commercial and utility-scale ground-mounted PV objects ranging in size from 20 MWp to well over 100 MWp. The company now has more than employes 220 people worldwide.

Our track record

Worldwide, hep solar can look back on more than 90 developed solar projects with a nominal output of 1,355 MWp and 30 solar parks in operation. In addition to the successful track record, the Group has a pipeline of around 5,900 MWp of secured projects available for future investments by our solar funds.

With over 6.000 German investors and assets under management totalling more than 450 million euros, hep solar has been successful on the market since 2008.

under own operation
0 parks
of developed projects
0 MWp
of secured projects in the pipeline
0 MWp

As of December 31, 2023. The key figures relate to the Group.

HEP Solar Club Deal 1 GmbH & Co. geschlossene Investment KG

Are you a semi-professional or professional investor and would like to invest in the photovoltaic growth market in Canada? Then take your chance now and participate in our exclusive private placement offer. Our single-asset fund invests in the Canadian sunshine province of Alberta and offers you attractive yield opportunities. Would you like more information? Then take a look at our product information or fill out the form.

Ein Solarpark von hep

Our business model

Future through solar energy

At hep solar, we combine a high level of expertise in project development with comprehensive know-how in investments. This allows us to offer you many years of expertise from both worlds.



Infrastructure - funds with a focus on North America and attractive yield opportunities

We offer our investors the opportunity to participate in some of the strongest solar markets in the world from Germany. Both the USA and Canada offer excellent conditions for PV investments by institutional investors. These lead to yield opportunities of over 7 % with potentially attractive distributions.

Solar market USA

The U.S. is the second largest solar market in the world with a total installed capacity of 141 GWp and a projected growth to 21.9 GWp by 2022. The high availability of land, especially in the south of the country, the comparatively short project development times and the economic incentives provided by legislative packages such as the Inflation Reduction Act make the USA an attractive and established location for investment in solar project rights.

With the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, Canada has made a legal commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The government has set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and expanding renewable energy. These targets will be supported by subsidies and tax credits. In addition to the financial benefits, the country has vast prairies and wastelands that can be enhanced by the construction of solar farms. Canada is also known for its political stability and reliable legal system, which create a trustworthy investment environment for infrastructure investments.

Mann mit einer Brille schaut auf sein Tablet mit einer Molekülstruktur in der Hand

Impact fund: measurably reducing the carbon footprint

As an operator of solar parks around the world, hep maintains its own system for recording emissions along the value chain of solar parks. In this way, the sustainability of the investments is transparent down to the suppliers of the components of our plants and can be measured qualitatively and quantitatively in a structured manner. If an investor chooses a sustainable investment product as defined by Art. 9 of the hep Disclosure Regulation, they will receive a portfolio component over the term of their investment that pursues a CO2 reduction strategy that is demonstrably in line with the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement. As part of its sustainable investment strategy, the Fund makes sustainable investments as defined in Art. 2 no. 17 of the Disclosure Ordinance and investments in environmentally sustainable economic activities within the meaning of the Taxonomy Ordinance.

Other Target Markets & Opportunities in the PV Sector

hep solar is not only active in the North American solar market, but has also been present in Japan since 2013. With our own offices in Kobe and Tokyo, we can closely monitor and respond to local developments.

We are also keeping an eye on the European market, where we are carefully expanding our project pipeline due to the high level of momentum. At present, the emerging market of Poland and our home market of Germany are particularly attractive to us. We would like to show you your investment opportunities.

With hep solar, you invest in solar energy worldwide through our investment offers and create a future that pays off.

because: there is no planet b.

Investment funds and other investment opportunities

In the future, it will be possible to invest in the development of our solar parks through a closed-end Luxembourg special AIF to be launched by a Luxembourg service capital management company, which is currently in the pre-marketing phase. We are also happy to offer mandate solutions in the form of co-investments or the acquisition of individual solar projects. Opportunities also occasionally arise in the course of refinancing requirements for the parks we hold or develop in our funds.

When structuring our investments, we are happy to respond to your needs and focus our cooperation on a strategic partnership.

Our Team

Philipp Andrews

Senior Director Institutionelle Kunden

Experience hep! At the next “hep city” event

Meet our team for a meet & greet and talk about the measurability of ESG criteria and infrastructure investments without burdening venture capital investments.

Frequently asked questions

Was your question not covered here? You can find more questions and answers on this topic in our FAQs.

What makes solar facilities attractive?

Längst haben Solaranlagen bewiesen, dass sich mit ihnen langfristig und zuverlässig Energie gewinnen lässt – auch in großem Maßstab. Dennoch gibt es für neue Solarprojekte noch erhebliches Potential auf dem Weg zum Ziel: Europa bis 2050 zum ersten klimaneutralen Kontinent zu machen (EU-Kommission 2020).

What is the difference between an AIF and a special AIF?

Während sich Publikums-AIFs an Privatanlegerinnen und -anleger richten, wendet sich der Spezial-AIF an einen exklusiven Interessentenkreis. Der Spezial-AIF richtet sich mit einer Mindestanlagesumme von 250.000 € eher an professionelle und semi-professionelle Anlegerinnen und Anleger mit größerem Fachwissen und höheren durchschnittlichen Anlagevolumina.

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This content is intended solely for professional and semi-professional investors as defined by the KAGB from Germany, not for private investors. If you are a private investor, please go to our other investment offers.
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