
For us, sustainability means much more than creating value profitably.

there is no planet b.

We are making an active contribution to transforming the global energy system. In the future, too, we will drive forward the expansion in renewable energies and co-fashion a sustainable perspective, in accordance with our guiding principle that “there is no planet b”.
Eine Herde von Schafen auf einer Wiese eines Solarparks mit der untergehenden Sonne im Hintergrund

Principles for responsible investment

We are part of a global network of over 3,000 investors who have signed up to six sustainable principles and who thus integrate ESG criteria officially into their investment decisions.

Forum nachhaltige Geldanlagen

HEP Kapitalverwaltung is a member of the most important trade association in the German-speaking region for greater sustainability in the finance sector.

We show responsibility

As a company, we bear a great responsibility — towards our investors, our employees, and also towards society and the environment as a whole. In the Sustainability Report, we give our view of our strategic approach, our actions and our objectives in the reporting period.

We are part of the community in which we act

Our business model is one of long-term investment in the local value-added chain. In a participation process, we engage citizens locally in project development – and that allows unconventional solutions to be brought about, such as access to a newly-discovered samurai temple on the lands where our Japanese solar park is located. In our choice of locations, technical components and suppliers, we place emphasis on safety, reliability, and long-term relations. Fair pay, good working conditions and comprehensive work safety are a matter of course for us.


Solar park

raw materials

Added value for
people locally


working conditions

work safety


For us, innovation means that we do not relax with our green business model, but that we proactively develop strategies to fully live up to our slogan “because there is no planet b”. In doing so, we break with familiar habits and play an active role as an innovator in the solar field. And always with the goal in view of measuring our impact on sustainability transparently, intelligibly and on a sound scientific basis.


Our committed teams in Germany, Japan, the USA and Canada form the basis of our success, with their creativity, diversity, inspiration and passion. We live out fairness, tolerance and respect. Collaboration, regular knowledge-sharing and continuous professional development are important to us. At the same time, we are already thinking of the future now, and training cooperative education students.

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