Güglingen, September 26, 2023 – The Baden-Württemberg-based specialist for solar parks and solar investments hep receives the “Sachwerte Award” in the category “Sustainability” of the trade magazine “Mein Geld”. An independent jury with many years of experience evaluated providers of open and closed-end funds regulated by the German Investment Code (KAGB) in seven categories. hep goes beyond the required minimum with the implementation of the Sustainable Finance regulations.
New on the market: an independent juror award
As part of a festive event in Frankfurt’s Logenhaus zur Einigkeit, the Mein Geld Media Group for the first time presented its “Sachwerte Awards” to prize winners in seven cat-egories for outstanding performance. Special characteristic of the Awards is the inde-pendent jury of experienced representatives of the industry for real value investments. Managing Director of the Mein Geld Media Group, Isabelle Hägewald, is pleased to pro-vide “investors with an important quality barometer” with this award.
In the market of the real value investments, hep has been successfully active for over ten years as a provider of closed investment funds on the German capital market. “From the very beginning, we offered investments in real value that invest exclusively in solar projects,” explains Thorsten Eitle, co-founder of hep and Chief Sales Officer. “Thus, hep has established itself in the market and is appreciated by investors. We are pleased that our commitment to sustainability is recognized by an award that stands out from others in the market as an independent juror award.”
Laudatio honors hep’s level of ambition
The laudatory speech for hep as the winner of the Sustainability Award was given by Roland Kölsch, who has been Managing Director of Qualitätssicherungsgesellschaft Nachhaltiger Geldanlagen mbH (QNG) since 2017. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) trade association, it contributes to the quality assurance of sustainable investments through the certification of financial products, expert opinions and the development of standards and services.
According to Kölsch, hep “does what it does with a high level of ambition, [it] is professionally positioned and already uses those elements from the Sustainable Finance regulatory framework that are more difficult to implement, [and] are more stringent in the overall result, thereby going beyond the minimum required.”
With the current hep investment fund, investors invest in solar projects in the target countries USA, Japan, the EU (especially Germany) and Canada. The fund is designed in accordance with Article 9 of the EU Regulation on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector and its economic activities are in line with the Taxonomy Regulation. As a result, it meets the highest sustainability requirements for financial products currently available on the market.