Sustainable energy­ production

Expanding solar energy, stopping global warming

Producing clean energy in solar parks worldwide. For the world of today and tomorrow. That’s why we develop, build, operate and finance solar projects in politically stable and economically attractive locations. We assume responsibility with strong partners and our experienced teams on the ground: that is our shared path to a future worth living.

because: there is no planet b.

Eine Herde von Schafen auf einer Wiese eines Solarparks mit der untergehenden Sonne im Hintergrund

Our solar parks

of secured projects
in the pipeline
0 MWp
of developed projects
0 MWp
under own operation
0 parks
(The number of solar parks in operation is up to date. All the other figures are updated every six months.)
Project in development state

Solar project Alderson


Location in Cypress County, Alberta


270 Hectare area


In operation expected in Q2 2024

Approx. 207.480 Solar modules


Annual feed-in of approx. 185.600 MWh

Our business model

Future through solar energy

We develop, build and operate solar parks worldwide, and offer investments for various investors as part of that.



Detailaufnahme eines Solarmoduls in der Entwicklung


Our in-house planners and engineers handle everything: From the project screening to securing the site, the necessary permissions, and the feed-in tariff. At the same time, we benefit at the same time from a constantly growing global network, enabling us to identify suitable surfaces for solar projects and develop these in cooperations.


We are thorough in establishing the nature of the surfaces we build on. The ground is the basis for the installation system for our photovoltaic facilities. Assessing needs, determining the quality requirements and technical planning are undertaken first, followed by materials procurement, earthworks and installation of the facility and of all monitoring components. Technical quality assurance by independent experts is important to us.
Bauarbeiter beim  installieren einer Solaranlage auf einem Dach
zwei hep Mitarbeiter bei einer Schulung eines Solarparks in Nordendorf Deutschland


hep has been planning, building and operating large-scale photovoltaic facilities since 2008. With the aid of various sensors, we can monitor every one of our parks worldwide from our “hepquarters” in Baden-Württemberg. Regular servicing and inspections ensure long-term quality assurance. Our employees, along with long-standing service providers, handle servicing and maintenance on the ground.

keep up to date:
with the hep newsletter.

Invest in solar parks

The climate-friendly portfolios – you are investing in pure solar energy

Over 6,000
German investors

Returns from
pure solar energy

Active contribution to
CO2 reduction


Ein Ehepaar schaut nach draußen in die Sonne

For private investors

With our public AIF, “HEP – Solar Green Energy Impact Fund 1”, you can invest long-term in a solar fund with expected annual dividends.

Mann mit einer Brille schaut auf sein Tablet mit einer Molekülstruktur in der Hand

For professional investors

We regularly set up special AIFs through which institutional investors can take a stake in large-scale photovoltaic facilities in the USA, Japan, Germany or Canada.
Ein Solarpark von hep
White Street solar park, USA
Sonnenstrahlen auf einem Solarpanel

Your own
solar park

Engineer check solar photovoltaic panels station with power meter, Renewable energy Concept.
hep custom

We operate your solar park

We also put our extensive expertise in operating and maintaining solar parks at your disposal. With our “custOM” service, solar energy becomes a sure-fire success for you.
hep yolar Logo

The company’s own solar park

Realize your company-owned solar facility with us – simple, fast and sustainable. No need for equity, and generally cheaper than from the local provider.
Solarmodule eines Solarparks in Deutschland

Frequently asked questions

Was your question not covered here? You can find more questions and answers on this topic in our FAQs.
How long does installation take?

Die Baudauer hängt von vielen verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Nicht nur die Komplexität des Terrains, auch der Zugang zu der Baustelle, die vorhandene Manpower und das Wetter spielen eine große Rolle. Dennoch können große Solarparks in einem Zeitraum von 6 – 18 Monaten gebaut werden.

Does hep have its own installation teams?

hep verfügt über Mitarbeiter, die langjährige Erfahrung mit dem Bau von Solarprojekten aufweisen. Um eine angemessene Bauzeit gewährleisten zu können, wird das kleine Team von hep durch regionale Unternehmen unterstützt.

Do solar parks destroy habitats?

Jeder Flächeneingriff verändert die natürliche Zusammensetzung. Aber Solarparks sind geschützte Räume, die für über 15 Jahre nicht angerührt werden. Daher bieten sie häufig Zuflucht für Nischenarten, die ansonsten nicht überleben würden, wie z. B. Orchideen.

Your contact
to us

Up to date:
with the hep newsletter.

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