Rooted regionally
For hep global, the partnership with the Bundesliga soccer team is also a very special commitment: “Being regionally rooted climate-neutral and contributing to the preservation of our planet. This is complex in practice and requires passion, perseverance and diligence in implementation. We are tackling this together as a partner with TSG,” says Christian Hamann, CEO and founder of hep, explaining the collaboration.
Sustainable business approach
Solar energy is indispensable for a sustainable future. hep’s business model is aligned with the global sustainability goal of “expanding renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions”. “We are delighted to have gained a partner in hep global whose ambition and focus are an excellent fit for us,” says TSG Managing Director Denni Strich. “As part of our future strategy ‘TSG is on the move’, the partnership with hep global is another building block on the way to meeting our ambitious sustainability goals.”
hep is aware of its own responsibility towards society and the environment as a whole and will join forces with TSG Hoffenheim to tackle the sustainability goals. “We are convinced that only when entrepreneurial action takes place in harmony with society and the environment will we succeed in helping to shape the future successfully and sustainably. We take this responsibility very seriously,” says Christian Hamann, CEO of hep. As Presenting Partner of the “Climate Ticket”, hep supports long-term projects in Burkina Faso. In addition, hep global will also be highly visible on the jersey at the DFB Cup matches as TSG’s new sleeve partner.
Responsible investment with hep
The Baden-Württemberg-based specialist for solar parks and solar investments has many years of market experience as well as extensive expertise in the conception and management of real asset investments and alternative investment funds. Trust, responsibility and transparency have always been at the core of its actions. Since 2008, hep has been developing, building and operating solar parks worldwide and offers investments with different maturities and risk-return profiles.
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